
Obama frozen in carbonite
Obama frozen in carbonite

obama frozen in carbonite

I would love to know the price tag he spent on that terrible hunk.


#DCON2014-Round-up #DRAWDANGERDOG #KeepFightingNYC #listeningto #MyBestof2018 #OnceUponADeadpool #sparktoyjoy #TodayonTOYSREVIL #TopTenToysof2018 #TopTenToysof2021 #toynews #TOYSfor2019 #TOYSREVIL14 #TOYSREVILTop9for2021 #WhatsNewin2020 007 009 009 SPACE WALKER 009RECYBORG 1-minute review 1/12 1/18 1/35 1/4 1/6 1/6 bags 1/6 batpod 1/6 customs 1/6 femme 1/6 jackiechan 1/6 jaychou 1/6 kiss 1/6 kitbash 1/6 SAFS 1/6 singster 1/6 sneaks 1/6 tumbler 1/6 vehicles 1/6-24 1/6-godfather 1/6-hobbyweek 1/6-titans 1/6-vito 10 Cloverfield Lane 10 THINGS THAT MAKE YOU TICK 100 SOFT 100-smurf-mara 100% Soft 100%Soft 1000% 100000 horsepower 1000monsters 1000monsters 2 1000monsters 3 1000Monsters VINYL 1000tentacles 1000Tentacles BJD 1000Tentacles Star Wars 1000Tentacles Star Wars 2 1000Tentacles Star Wars 3 1000Tentacles Wild Things 1000toys 1000TOYS for STGCC2017 100soft 103 NO WAR 109 HOPE 10doh 10KonFB 10X10 10yearsablog 11808 11pixsfor2011 12 MONTHS APO FROGS 1212Creations 123klan 127 12daysofxmas 12daysofxmas2012 12th Park 12x2012 13 Dunny 13 Lucky Monkey 13ART 13x2013 13x2013-END. If Glen Beck only knew you could make a full sized Obama Frozen In Carbonite for around 300.

obama frozen in carbonite

No comment about the production status of the 1/6 McCain shown in the pictures, but I doubt if he'd go beyond a debate-partner in the diorama set-up. The DID 1/6 scale US President Obama 2009 Collectible Action Figure [ The inclusion of a wooden stool (I like) and an American Flag on a stand are the props that go along with the figure-set. I was I could provide you folks with more info about this 1/6th articulated OBAMA action figure from HongKong-based 1/6 toymakers DID (aka "Dragon In Dreams") besides it's US$59.99 price-tag (sans shipping), but alas, images are all we have (at the moment) which I can only interpret accordingly (and by no means is the following the "official" product info or description :p).

Obama frozen in carbonite